




This is the best tea to give your immune system a pick me up. The immune boosting, anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric are endless, I’m a little bit obsessed with this root. All the research done on turmeric and its main medicinal polyphenol curcumin makes me want to shout from a mountain top the amazing benefits of this substance.  Plus the brilliant bright yellow of the turmeric root brings on a cheery mentality, which helps us get well even faster.




Can you imagine if antibiotics could differentiate between good bacteria and bad bacteria? Or if chemotherapy drugs differentiated between cancer cells and healthy cells? 

Well, turmeric may be able to do just that, an example of plant intelligence at its finest (1). Inflammation is linked to every known health ailment, including immune health (2). I just wrote an in depth article on all the amazing benefits of turmeric and curcumin over at root and sprouts. The research really blew me away, over 5000 studies have been done on turmeric. Mainly it’s power resides in curcumins potent anti inflammatory properties.

It’s interesting to note that India has the highest national consumption of turmeric worldwide and also the lowest rates of alzheimers (3).


Alzheimer’s patients symptoms were found to improve after just one dose of curcumin, and taken long term it can protect against a myriad of inflammatory diseases. Another great way to consume turmeric is in golden milk, this is a more chai like and creamy drink, but still a great way to indulge in this medicinal root.




Now be warned my friends, this is a potent concoction, only to be consumed by those who really want to get better. There’s no half-assing it with this elixir. If your feeling extra hardcore about getting rid of a cold or flu, you’ll add raw garlic. Surprisingly it tastes absolutely delicious, and does wonders to alleviate sore throats.


Turmeric stains everything, so it’s best to store your tea in glass or stainless steal, it’ll even dye plastic a bright yellow hue.


Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 8c
  • 8 C water
  • 2 inch piece of ginger, thinly sliced
  • 2 raw garlic cloves, minced or just smashed (optional)
  • 1 Tbs turmeric powder or 2 inch piece fresh turmeric root, grated
  • ¼ tsp - ½ tsp cayenne pepper (depending on how spicy you can handle)
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • 1-2 fresh lemons
  • 1 vile ginseng and royal jelly tincture
  • 2 Tbs raw honey
  1. Simmer the water and ginger for 15 minutes.
  2. Add turmeric, garlic, cayenne and black pepper and stir until well combined. Strain the liquid into a 1 L glass jar.
  3. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice, ginseng and royal jelly and raw honey and stir well.
  4. Drink throughout the day until you start to feel better.



Golden Turmeric Milk


What’s your favourite method for getting rid of a cold?

Raw Creamy Chocolate Tarts with Caramel Hazelnut Crust

Raw Creamy Chocolate Tarts with Caramel Hazelnut Crust

Raw Creamy Chocolate Tarts with Caramel Hazelnut Crust

So…it’s almost the official day where we celebrate all things love with all things high fructose corn syrup.

I gotta say I’m a bit of a cynic when it comes to V-day, I mean really roses and chocolates on one day of the year?! Hallmark and cheap candy and so much PINK, bleh.

But at the same time I can’t help but use any excuse to make treats, and I do have fond memories of scooby doo and smurf valentine cards from 12 year old boys making my heart go pitter patter way back when. My momma would always give us sweet little cards too, which was really sweet. I think I’ll carry on that valentines tradition and just skip the cinnamon hearts and those weird chalk memo hearts, sorry but…those are nasty.


Raw Creamy Chocolate Tarts with Caramel Hazelnut Crust

Any excuse to make a sexy meal is great news too, I love how people get all into the juicy steaks and fancy lobster dinners. But again, these should really be a common occurrence, in a perfect world. I love this roundup of super lovey dovey meals to please your man that the lovely Elizabeth at three beans on a string compiled, check ’em out here.



If you want a special little treat without any weird corn syrup solids and all that junk, give these raw creamy chocolate tarts with caramel hazelnut crust, god that’s a mouthful, but they are so freaking good I didn’t want to skip any points in the description. My winter sweet tooth is the worst, the lack of fresh salads over time translates into a deep craving for all things chocolate. These are worth it, and one little tart is plenty to satisfy, if you have the will power to have just one. These are no bake, but not completely raw unless you opt to use raw hazelnuts, in which case, soak for 6 hours before hand. I used roasted hazelnuts, but I still say they’re raw tarts, as you don’t have to bake them (please forgive me rawtarians).


Raw Creamy Chocolate Tarts with Caramel Hazelnut Crust
Serves: 12
  • ¾ C date paste or mejool dates,pitted
  • 1 C roasted or raw hazelnuts, if raw soak for 6 hrs. prior to using
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 1 C raw cashews, soaked for 6hrs.
  • 1 Tbs+2 Tbs coconut oil
  • 2 Tbs coconut butter
  • 2 Tbs raw honey or maple syrup
  • 2 Tbs water
  • 1 raw chocolate bar or ½ C chocolate chips, melted over a double boiler.
  1. In a blender or food processor add hazelnuts, dates,one Tbs coconut oil and salt, pulse until thoroughly combined.
  2. Line a muffin tin with cupcake papers and scoop about 1 Tbs mixture into each, press crust down evenly.
  3. Rinse out your blender or food processor and add drained cashews, 2 Tbs coconut oil, coconut butter, honey and water. Blend on high until super smooth.
  4. Top each tart with a dollop (tsp) melted chocolate
  5. Allow tarts to set for 2hrs. before indulging, if you can wait that long!


Raw Creamy Chocolate Tarts with Caramel Hazelnut Crust

How do you feel about valentines day? I hope you all get smothered with love, hugs and kisses, but I hope that for you everyday!


Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars

Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars

Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars


I really think your going to thoroughly enjoy this creation, my friends.  Seriously, if apple pie walked into a bar, met a caramel apple, fell in love, these bars would be their babies. Yep, that’s my best analogy of the day, except these babies are a million times easier and way healthier than either of the latter apple treats.


Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars

So if you like easy, delicious, high protein treats, without any added sugar you’ve come to the right place.

The base for these bars is really similar in texture to a thick chewy caramel. I’m curious if I could somehow maguiver it around a whole apple and stick a twig in it for paleo friendly caramel apples. This invention just might have to happen.


Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars

Yesterday I went for a long drive to the neighbouring village to visit some friends. There’s a dead zone where no radio stations work and I drove in sweet stillness enjoying a crisp fresh apple. Grateful for the moment of quiet and peace with the solitary sounds of a crunching orchestra of sweet and refreshing delight. I don’t know about you, but this is the time of year where I start craving fresh fruit, dreaming of plump berries freshly picked, and sweet juicy peaches. Apples will have to do for now, as none of those luscious fruits are any good out of season. Groundhog says 6 more weeks of winter, we’re almost there, before you know it this blogs pages will be brimming with juicy fruits and vibrant greens!


Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars

Until then, enjoy the delightful sweetness of an apple enveloped in this caramel goodness, yum.


Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars

Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 9
  • ¾ C date paste or pitted medjool dates
  • ¾ C almond butter, raw or roasted
  • ¼ C coconut oil, melted
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 apple, sliced
  1. In a blender or food processor, add date paste, almond butter, coconut oil, cinnamon and sea salt. Blend until smooth.
  2. Line a square pyrex dish or something similar with parchment paper and press the mixture into the dish.
  3. Top with sliced apples and allow at least an hour to set in the fridge before cutting into slices and serving.

Raw Caramel Apple Pie Bars

Cashew Carrot Ginger Soup

Cashew Carrot Ginger Soup

cashew carrot ginger soup

A simple soup, to warm your bones on chilly days, when all you have in the fridge are some carrots, a knob of ginger and your preferred broth.

This is a staple soup that I’ve been making for years. It’s so easy, you don’t even have to think about it, yet the combination of flavours is complex enough that its still interesting and leaves you wanting more.


I’ve been writing a few articles lately around the web with minimalism as the main theme.  In regards to being productive, minimalism seems to me the most effective tactic. With a tangle of distractions to pull us away from the task at hand, it can be hard to accomplish much of anything. Though I’ve been writing in a work context, I think principles of minimalism apply just as well for cooking. We can obsess over a complex dish with 16 ingredients, and sure the results might be worth it. But often I find I get more enjoyment out of simple dishes that take minimal effort and offer maximal results.


cashew carrot ginger soup


Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of everything that distracts us from it. It requires a conscious decision because it is a countercultural lifestyle that stands against the culture of overconsumption that surrounds us.-Joshua Becker



cashew carrot ginger soup

This is a minimalist soup, may it simplify your life and bring you a feeling of serenity.



Cashew Carrot Ginger Soup
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
  • 1 Tbs coconut oil
  • ½ C raw cashews
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 inch piece of ginger, peeled and minced
  • 6-8 carrots, chopped
  • 8 C vegetable or chicken stock
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  1. Heat a large pot add cashews and stir around until lightly toasted. Remove from pot and set aside.
  2. Melt coconut oil and add onion and ginger, cook until soft.
  3. Add carrots and toasted cashews and cover with stock, add salt and bring to a simmer for about 20 minutes.
  4. Using an immersion blender to puree once the carrots are nice and soft.
  5. Serve with green onion, extra toasted cashews, toasted coconut or quality sour cream or yogurt.


Blueberries and Cream Truffles

Blueberries and Cream Truffles


blueberries and cream truffles

Bloobs, my affectionate pet name for one of the best berries on the planet. Blueberries.

Antioxidants rich, delicious, and blue, rare for any food. These blueberries and cream truffles are dead easy and so good. They’re really affordable when you make your own luscious coconut butter. These truffles are not only nomtastic but also pretty healthy, were talking ample fibre and healthy fats from the coconut paired with antioxidant rich bloobs and dark chocolate.

blueberries and cream truffles

Blueberries and Cream Truffles
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 10
  • 1 C coconut butter
  • 1 C fresh blueberries (you can also use frozen just thaw them out first)
  • 3 tbsp raw honey
  • ½ C paleo friendly raw chocolate or chocolate chips
  1. Melt coconut butter in a double boiler or water bath.
  2. In a high powered blender or food processor, combine coconut butter, berries and honey.
  3. In your double boiler or water bath, melt the chocolate.
  4. Use a small size ice cream scoop to make little blueberry balls and coat with melted chocolate.
  5. Allow to set in the fridge for at least an hour if you can wait that long!


blueberries and cream truffles

It was my birthday on Saturday, I almost made myself a cake, almost. But I succumbed to laziness and opted to eat ice cream instead. It was a fun day and I would tell you how old I am but…it’s a secret.

A woman’s age is best kept a mystery anyhow.

The next day, was my fathers birthday and also the day my little babe took his first wee steps. How very exciting!


blueberries and cream truffles


How to Make Coconut Butter

How to Make Coconut Butter


How to Make Coconut Butter

I had NO idea making coconut butter was so darn easy. Really, seriously, easy. I feel silly for having bought it all these years, the same way I feel about buying broth or sauerkraut. If I can make it from scratch with minimal effort IMMA MAKE IT. Okay off my soapbox, this creamy, luscious coconut butter was made in my handy dandy vitamix but you can also make it using a food processor.


Coconut butter, if you aren’t familiar with it, is quite different from the oil. It’s made by “creaming” the flesh of the coconut  to make a smooth butter. When you refrigerate it, the fats from the coconut solidify and your butter gets quite hard. A fine example of the healthy saturated fat present in coconut. If you’re curious about the benefits of coconut, check this out, they are many.


How to Make Coconut Butter
Serves: 1 cup
  • 5 C desiccated raw coconut flakes, no sugar added
  • pinch of sea salt
  1. In a high powered blender or food processor add coconut flakes and blend on medium until they start to get creamy, turn to high setting until you have a smooth butter. For an extra smooth coconut butter, process through a fine mesh sieve. Store in the fridge, lasts a very long time.


What to do with coconut butter? Here’s a list of ideas…

-Add it to smoothies

-Put it in raw pies

-Add it to indian or thai curries

-Spread it on toast or banana bread

-Use it as an icing for cakes and cupcakes

-A nourishing and healthy baby food

-Blend it with your favourite fruit and coat with chocolate to make truffles


What are your favourite ways of using coconut butter?


how to make coconut butter